Sunday, March 29, 2020

Race In The Matrix by Minda Peyton

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Neo Blues by Minda Peyton

Neo Blues by Minda

Lee Smith plays a father-figure to a man [Keanu Reeves] recovering from drug-related problems.

Lee Smith tells Thomas Anderson [Keanu Reeves] what the false reality is.
He talks about child stars who choose early in life to leave the comfort of their Kindergarten, often to chase acting dreams. Lee Smith speaks with insight about false realities and fame. Also about those who were older people when they started Acting, and could not accept a simpler world where good characters stay good. Older people, who rejecting the false reality, subverted what was good...
Young adult Actors strung out on drugs... young tragic ends.

Lee Smith and Thomas Anderson think about starting more programs, haselling [hustling] less to sell pricey coffee.

Lee will help Thomas Anderson understand his brother. How can a opposite help his opposite comprehend his opposite?

Lee Smith helps Thomas Anderson understand his brother who is more lai-ca Smith.

Was Thomas Anderson really the first born? Which twin is most lai-ca their mother?

Is Smith more manipulative, or is he less introverted?

Can a dominate, popular personality help Thomas Anderson recover? Lee Smith is more the "unofficial Nurse" helping a man who got in dangerous drugs [or in a dangerous drug game] recover.  Lee Smith is a dominate man helping a introvert "read" personality types, or Lee is a man secertly subverting local drug dealers.